Diagnostic Scans
Note: For all our Diagnostic Scan Packages, we will need a completed referral form from your referring Doctor/clinician/physiotherapist to ensure you are managed and cared for after the scan.
Download the Referral form by clicking here, a copy of this form will be emailed to you when confirming your appointment.
Please Note:
Our services are for adults only (18 years and above), please bring a form of ID with you for your appointment.
For all Abdominal and Musculoskeletal ultrasound scans, please call the clinic on 07376654022 to confirm availability prior to booking online.
Once booked, you will be contacted by email to confirm your appointment.
No deposit will be taken, however full payment for your scan will be made on the day prior to your scan. Any offers or discounts will be applied in the email confirming your appointment.
If you have a voucher, please call the clinic directly on 07376 654 022 to book your appointment.
Please arrive 10 minutes early for your appointment.
(Same-day appointments available)
Gynaecology / Pelvic Scan
(including Fertility follicular tracking)
(30 minutes scan)
Transvaginal / internal scan give better visibility thus better diagnostic results when compared to transabdominal / external scan.
Examine the uterus (womb) and ovaries, their sizes, shape and appearance.
The lining of the womb (endometrium) is measured.
We can detect fibroids, cysts , polycystic ovaries, uterine polyps , adenomyosis , endometriomas, hemorrhagic cysts , hydrosalpinges, tumours etc
For fertility follicular tracking, the antral follicles in each ovary will be counted, growing follicles in each ovary will be counted and measured
A detailed ultrasound report will be provided after the scan
Scan preparation required:
Transvaginal scan:
Empty your urinary bladder prior to the examination
Transabdominal scan:
Drink 1 litre of water an hour prior to the examination to fill up your urinary bladder
Gynaecology / Pelvic Scan
(Fertility Follicular tracking Package)
(30 minutes scan)
This scan includes 4 separate scans to monitor follicular growth during a single cycle)
Transvaginal / internal scan gives better visibility thus better diagnostic results when compared to transabdominal / external scan.
Examine the uterus (womb) and ovaries, their sizes, shape and appearance.
The lining of the womb (endometrium) is measured.
We can detect fibroids, cysts , polycystic ovaries, uterine polyps , adenomyosis , endometriomas, hemorrhagic cysts , hydrosalpinges , tumours etc
For fertility follicular tracking, the antral follicles in each ovary will be counted, growing follicles in each ovary will be counted and measured
A detailed ultrasound report will be provided after the scan
Scan preparation required:
Transvaginal scan:
Empty your urinary bladder prior to the examination
Transabdominal scan:
Drink 1 litre of water an hour prior to the examination to fill up your urinary bladder
Abdominal Ultrasound Scan
(30 minutes scan)
Transabdominal / external scan
This scan is usually performed when someone is experiencing abdominal pain above the navel area and the stomach area.
It involves examining the abdominal organs including the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen and kidneys
We can detect gall stones, cysts, tumors and other pathologies.
A detailed ultrasound report will be provided after the scan
Scan preparation required:
Do not eat six hours prior to the scan.
Note: For Diabetic patients, you can eat a fat-free diet prior to the scan
Wear loose-fitting clothing to enable easy access to the abdomen for scanning
Kidneys, Bladder (and Prostate) Ultrasound Scan
(30 minutes scan)
Transabdominal / external scan
This scan is usually performed when someone is experiencing lower abdominal pain below the navel area and in urine infections
It involves examining the kidneys and bladder and for men the prostate.
The size, shape and appearances of the kidney and bladder are checked
For the prostate, in men , the size and shape is examined to rule out enlargement.
We can detect kidney stones, cysts , tumours and other pathologies.
A detailed ultrasound report will be provided after the scan
Scan preparation required:
Drink 1 litre of water an hour prior to the examination to fill up your urinary bladder.
If you cannot hold a full urinary bladder, please let us know and we will arrange for you to arrive early to drink your water at the clinic
Abdominal and Pelvic Ultrasound Scan
(30 minutes scan)
Note: This scan involves examining both the abdomen and the pelvic organs.
This scan is usually performed when someone is experiencing abdominal and pelvic pain.
It involves examining the abdominal organs including the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen and kidneys and for men the prostate.
We can detect gall stones, cysts, tumors and other pathologies.
For the prostate, in men, the size and shape are examined to rule out enlargement.
A detailed ultrasound report will be provided after the scan
Scan preparation required:
Do not eat six hours prior to the scan.
Note: For Diabetic patients, you can eat a fat free diet prior to the scan
Wear loose fitting clothing to enable easy access of the abdomen and pelvis for scanning
Drink 1 litre of water an hour prior to the examination to fill up your urinary bladder
If you cannot hold a full urinary bladder, please let us know and we will arrange for you to arrive early to drink your water at the clinic
Shoulder Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Scan
(30 minutes scan)
External scan with a linear probe
The shoulder and rotator cuff are examined. The rotator cuff holds the shoulder joint together.
We will assess the joint, rotator cuff tendons: (the biceps tendon and sheath, subscapularis, supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendon), muscles, ligaments, bursa, the acromioclavicular joint and any soft-tissue swellings.
A detailed ultrasound report will be provided after the scan
No Scan preparation is required:
You will need to expose the area to be scanned
Elbow and Forearm Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Scan
(30 minutes scan)
External scan with a linear probe
We examine the tendons, muscles, ligaments, bursa and soft-tissue swelling.
We can check for tennis or Golfer’s elbow seen due to inflammation of the elbow tendons.
The Ulnar nerve neuropathy can also be visualised.
No Scan preparation is required:
You will need to expose the area to be scanned
Hand and Wrist Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Scan
(30 minutes scan)
External scan with a linear probe
Hand and wrist injuries are common and can affect ligaments, joint surfaces, tendons, muscles and nerves.
Tendon inflammation, rupture, lumps and bumps, or foreign bodies can be seen within the hand or finger.
No Scan preparation is required:
You will need to expose the area to be scanned
Hip and Groin Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Scan
(30 minutes scan)
External scan with a linear probe
We will examine the hip tendons, ligaments, muscles, nerves, synovial recesses, articular cartilage, bone surfaces and joint capsule.
We will differentiate between intra articular and extra articular pathology.
Hernias can be excluded such as inguinal hernias and femoral hernias, and anterior abdominal wall hernias.
No Scan preparation is required:
You will need to expose the area to be scanned
Knee Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Scan
(30 minutes scan)
External scan with a linear probe
We will examine tendons, ligaments, muscles, synovial space, articular cartilage, and surrounding soft tissues for any pathology
We will exclude Baker’s cyst at the back of the knee.
No Scan preparation is required:
You will need to expose the area to be scanned
Foot and Ankle Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Scan
(30 minutes scan)
External scan with a linear probe
We will examine tendons, ligaments, bones, and investigate the causes for pain and inflammation of the tendons including bursitis, arthritis, and joint effusions.
We will exclude lumps such as ganglions, neuromas and fibromas.
We will examine the painful heel to exclude/confirm plantar fasciitis
No Scan preparation is required:
You will need to expose the area to be scanned
Testicular Ultrasound Scan
(30 minutes scan)
External scan with a linear probe
We will examine both testes for any scrotal lumps, testicular size , morphology and exclude epididymal cysts, testicular cysts, spermatocele, testicular micro calcifications , testicular masses and suspected testicular torsion and any other pathologies.
No Scan preparation is required:
You will need to expose the area to be scanned
Wear loose fitting clothing to enable easy access to both testes.
Penis Ultrasound Scan
(30 minutes scan)
External scan with a linear probe
We will examine the size and location of any plaques, detect small non-palpable lesions or involvement of the penile septum.
We will exclude / confirm Peyronie disease, penile fracture or any other pathologies.
No Scan preparation is required:
You will need to expose the area to be scanned
Wear loose fitting clothing to enable easy access to both testes.
Thyroid Ultrasound Scan
(30 minutes scan)
External scan with a linear probe
We will examine the thyroid for its size and echotexture
We will exclude/confirm any cysts, masses, thyroiditis, or any other pathologies
No Scan preparation is required:
You will need to expose the area to be scanned